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What is Mobile App Data Analytics? Best Tools & Metrics To Use

A whole field is dedicated to researching app user behavior to optimize application operation. A better functioning app equals better user retention, and therefore, more revenue. That’s why mobile app data analytics must be a part of any good app.

In this article, we’ll uncover anything you need to know about mobile app data analytics and how it can take your app to another level.

What is Mobile App Data Analytics?

So, what exactly does mobile app data analytics do? Well, they provide unmatched insight into all nuances of user behavior.

Specifically, they track things like location, how long users stay on the app, what factors led to the more considerable engagement, what segments they particularly like or dislike, and much much more.

Like web data analytics, it gives all the necessary data to optimize the app for significantly better mobile user experiences.

What is Mobile App Data Analytics

Why Is Mobile App Data Analytics Important For Your Mobile Apps & Their Benefits

There are more than 6.5 million apps in the major mobile app stores. Therefore, having good mobile app analytics provides a necessary advantage in the market.

Just how important it proves the fact that those who don’t do mobile app data analytics often fail to provide a satisfying user experience. In this fast-moving analytics world, only with data analytics can app owners have a more accurate and better understanding of user behavior.

Based on the data, teams can create the best marketing solution to stand out in the saturated market. 

Take a look at a few benefits mobile application analytics can produce.

Benefits of Mobile App Data Analytics

  1. Provides highly detailed data of individual user journeys
  2. Accurate feedback for the product and marketing teams
  3. More personalized, data-driven strategies
  4. Better retention rate
  5. Increases the app value

How Do Mobile Analytics Work?

Within the app, a mobile analytics software tracks all user activity. There are some fundamental indicators that software tracks:

  • Retention rate
  • Location
  • Device type
  • Uninstalls
  • Cost per acquisition
  • User issues
  • User purchases
  • Tracks user interactions

All these and more companies use it to measure user experience and optimize their app accordingly. Actually, all mobile marketing is based almost solely on data collected with some mobile app analytics tool.

A constant data-informed analytics process creates a masterful app, eliminating all user struggles. 

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Types Of Mobile Analytics

Types Of Mobile Analytics?

Of course, there are multiple types of mobile analytics you can use to optimize your app. Depending on the kind of app, one might be more beneficial than the other. But in most cases, combining them is highly recommended. 

Mobile Advertising Analytics

To become popular quickly, applications often partner with one or more ad networks. Those ad networks then display your ad on multiple websites and other apps. Mobile advertising analytics serves to identify which of the ad network (and websites and apps they are displayed on) has brought the right results. 

App Monetization Analytics

App monetization analytics is especially beneficial for apps that sell something. The data obtained from the analysis shows how many users have seen the item, how much the ads have helped with engagement, and all the other things needed to improve sales.

Performance Analysis

Performance analytics refers to the technical part of the application and its performance. For a more complete user journey, it is essential to have an app with good responsiveness and uptime. With performance analytics, it is easy to identify the problems of the application and their root cause. 

In-App Engagement Analytics

Without direct knowledge of user actions within the application, it is only possible to assume what improvements are needed. Fortunately, in-app engagement tracking closely monitors what users do in the app. This applies to the type of device, operating system, location, event tracking, and more. This type of mobile analytics is useful primarily for product managers. 

Mobile Analytics For Marketing Teams

User behavior analysis they find in the mobile app analytics directly helps the marketing teams with their marketing campaigns. Having a high-performance mobile analytics toolchain that focuses on collecting data necessary for marketing teams is an opportunity for companies to attract new app users.

5 Best Mobile Analytics Tools

Since mobile data analytics has become a regular practice in the world of applications there are multiple tools to help you do it. Therefore, choosing a mobile app analytics tool best suits your app’s needs is essential.

App Annie

This tool lets you view reviews, rankings, charts, ratings, and app details in its free version, while the premium version offers more like advertising estimates, download and revenue estimates, usage estimates… It’s available for iOS, Android, and Windows phone platforms. 

App Radar

App Radar is more focused on the ASO (SEO of the app). It provides keyword tracking, keyword research tools, localization, and more. You can also use it to research competitors’ keywords and current strategies. Also supported on three major platforms, iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. 


This powerful tool comes directly from Google. It’s a free mobile app analytics platform that lets you see all the user data on one practical, engaging dashboard. It provides data like session duration, device models, app openings, and in-app purchases. Even though it’s a Google tool, it can be used on iOS.

App Analytics

Specifically designed for Apple app analytics. This is an excellent tool if you’re more curious about how users discover your app on the market. It gives you all the data about App Store impressions, user engagement, sales, and trends. But, unfortunately, it’s only available for iOS platforms. 


A unique tool on the market that provides you with data like funnel analysis and engagement tracking jokingly named the Addiction Report. With the help of this tool, you can better understand retention rate, churn, campaign segmentation, and more. Available for Android and iOS.

Enter into Shoutem app builder and start creating your app!

Mobile App Data Analytics FAQ

How do you analyze data from an app?

You can analyze data from an app using mobile analytics tools like App Annie, MixPanel, App Analytics, Firebase, and App Radar. They will ensure you get all the data required to optimize the app and increase the number of active users.

How do I track the mobile analytics app?

When using one tool that analyzes data from the app, you’ll be able to track multiple aspects of the app. For example, you can regularly do mobile advertising analytics, app monetization analytics, performance analysis, in-app engagement analytics, and mobile analytics for marketing teams.